Google Buzz
What's all this buzz over Google Buzz? Google had come out with another social network site. Google Buzz is a way to network while you email. If you have a Gmail account, Google's free email system, you can share links of interest, post photos, share personal videos, let people know what you're doing with status updates, send messages, and leave comments. All activity updates are directly sent to your Gmail account, so you always know what's going on in your social network. Google Buzz is Google's attempt to compete, or profit from, the success of sites like Facebook and Twitter. However, the system has already received many complaints.
To be fair, Google Buzz is a new product. It is still in the testing stages, so all the kinks haven't been worked out yet. Consider how many times your Facebook home page has changed in the past two years. Companies need to continuously work and innovate so that they can keep on top of trends and improve their product. Google Buzz may have the potential to become something great. Do I think Google Buzz could ever replace Facebook? Not likely.
If I am being honest, I have had enough of social network sites. We have enough of them. They do what they do well. We do not need another one. Don't get me wrong, I check my Facebook account often, but do we all really need to have five different networking sites? I think not.
Google Buzz has received a lot of flak for their lackluster privacy settings. There is a lot of concern that privacy isn't too high on their priority list.
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