Google is Human After All.....

If you're able to remember as far back as a few weeks ago, then you might recall the big news about Google News. Although the altered layout didn't raise my eyebrows in the slightest, it seems to have ignited a veritable firestorm of uncontrollable rage at the hands of admitted information junkies. Yes, it seems some people were so unbelievably butt hurt over Google tinkering with its own web design that the company did something we may never witness again: itcaved, at least, a little bit. The new old format isn't an exact replica of the original some folks are so deeply infatuated with, but it is definitely reminiscent of the Google News yore.

Thanks to the demands of an unruly mod, Google showed a bit of flexibility by bringing back the grouping feature fans of the site couldn't bare to live without. Now, you can easily resurrect the spastic twin column view that separates stories into compartmentalized bunches, much like a Tupperware set of daily headlines. Or maybe a Closet Genie. If you're interested in reveling in nostalgia or find yourself among the torch wielding types, you can access the precious two column presentation by altering your personal settings on the main page. Simply click on the "two column" option in the bar marked "view as." It is easy to spot as it's the last choice available. You also have the ability to hide your local weather updates should you own your own Mega Doppler forecasting device.

Google wasn't the only one blowing in the winds of change today. Yahoo finally decided to give its answers section a makeover. You may or may not be familiar with this portion of the site, depending on your age and your desire to gather total strangers' opinions about everything from your deepest personal secrets to the color of your prom dress (c'mon on guys, SERIOUSLY, how hot do I look in fuschia????). Those with questions or in search of answers will be able to search through the jumble of topics quickly and won't have to waste time reading the stuff that no one else bothered to answer.


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