15Five Keeps Employers in the Loop About Employee Morale

Are you an employer who feels that you're losing touch with your staff? Are you afraid that there may be problems within the workplace that you're not aware about? Do you care about getting honest feedback from your employees and boosting morale? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you should definitely look into 15Five, a product that allows you to keep track of employee morale by letting your staff complete weekly reports for their managers, which will then be rolled up and submitted to the CEO.

A closer look at how it works:

Every week, an employee is tasked to write a brief report about their accomplishments and / or challenges. They can also use the report to provide feedback or suggest new ideas. This weekly report takes no more than 15 minutes to write, and no more than 5 minutes for their manager to read-hence the name "15Five."

Once the employees submit their reports, their "managers and executives review their employees' reports, engage in conversations, and roll up important points in their own reports." These manger reports will then be submitted to the CEO to review. The CEO checks out the report, gets a feel of how their company is doing, and gets to know the staff a little bit more.

The advantages of 15Five

The 15Five system provides an array of benefits for employers and employees alike. The 15Five process allows employees to share their very own perspectives and lets them be heard by the higher-ups. The staff then feels more empowered because they're given a chance to contribute ideas and express themselves. This is a big win for the company because empowered and motivated employees work harder, and become better contributors.

From a manager's perspective, 15Five is also a huge boon because it saves them tons of time from manually gathering feedback from staff members. Instead of approaching their team members one by one and get their input, managers can get the information they need in neat reports that are easy to read, analyze, and process.

Finally, CEOs benefit from the 15Five system because they are able to stay in the look with what's going on in the company. A lot of businesses fail to thrive because the owner or CEO is so out of touch with his or her employees. 15Five solves this problem and allows the higher-ups to get an overview of the staff's morale with practically zero effort.

A Win-Win Product

A growing staff spells great news for a company because it can be a sign that business is doing good. However, when employees increase in numbers, the company risks being more fragmented, and CEO / owners stand a good chance losing touch with staff. 15Five serves as the perfect solution to bridge the employee to employer gap and ensures that each member of a company knows what's going on. As Arjun Dev Arora, CEO or Retargeter put it, "15Five makes sure with absolute certainty we're all on the same page."


This content was created by AI


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