Stitcher Brings You Radio Talk Shows, News, and Podcasts on Demand

Need something liven up your daily commute? Are songs becoming too repetitive for you? If so, then check out Stitcher-a whole new kind of Internet radio. Unlike Pandora or Spotify that focus on music and songs, Stitcher allows users to listen to radio shows, news, and podcasts.

All the radio programs on Stitcher are on demand and can be accessed through its mobile app (available for iOS and Android). No need to download or sync your programs, you can access everything directly from your smartphone or tablet.

One of the best things about Stitcher is that it allows you to "'Stitch' together your favorite shows into customized stations and save them for easy access." Similar to song playlists, you'll be able to create stations for certain types of radio shows. For example, you can create a news station for keeping up with the times, or comedy station if you want to be entertained. Stitcher offers more than 6,000 different shows, so you can bet that you'll be able to find something that fits your tastes.

Check out the app's list of categories:

  • Comedy

  • Business And Industry

  • News And Politics

  • Society And Culture

  • Education

  • Entertainment

  • Games And Hobbies

  • Lifestyle And Health

  • Music Commentary

  • Parenting, Family And Kids

  • Science And Medicine

  • Spirituality And Religion

  • Sports

  • Technology

  • World And International

To start listening, you can search the app's wide database, or choose from preset stations and picks from Stitcher's editors, such as "Top 20 Comedy shows, or Top 20 News & Politics shows and much more."

Similar to a Pandora, Stitcher has a feature that enables you discover new shows or podcasts, based on the shows and stations that you're listening to. According to its website, Stitcher gives you "personalized recommendations based on your listening preferences. Enjoy This American Life? Stitcher lets you see what other listeners of This American Life also like to listen to - you'll have new favorites in no time. Let Stitcher help you discover the world beyond music radio!"

How to Start Listening

To get started with all the radio goodness, simply download the app onto your mobile device, or visit the Stitcher website and register for an account. Once you have a Stitcher account, you'll be able to browse programs, create stations, bookmark episodes and more.

Want to see the top or trending shows on Stitcher. Check out the apps' top lists and get a glimpse of what the world is listening to. "Rankings are updated each week and reflect the most current complete week. The "Change" column represents the movement up or down versus prior week rankings."

How to Advertise

Businesses that wish to generate exposure will be able to serve up rich media ads through the app. Stitcher has a targeting technology that allows you zero in on your desired audience. According to the site, "Stitcher's targeting technology drives significant improvements in click-through rates, utilizing audio encouragements to CPC and display advertisements on-screen. CTRs in the range of 2-4x the industry standard for mobile devices are possible using this technology.


This content was created by AI


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