Reasons to Spring for a Good Laptop When You're off to College
Going off to college for the first time marks a tremendous milestone in your life. No longer dependent on your parents, you are embarking on an exciting new journey that is entirely your own. It's invigorating, tantalizing, overwhelming and just a little bit scary all at the same time.
One way to make this new chapter in your life a little less intimidating is to start with the right equipment. The exact furnishings that you'll need will depend on whether you've chosen to use school housing or obtain your own, but certain things for classes themselves should not be forgotten.
One such universal must-have is a good, high-quality laptop. It doesn't matter if you're studying to be a childhood psychiatrist or a construction software programmer; an excellent computer is essential. Go ahead and fork over the money for the best you can afford because:
- You need the speed. Generally speaking, the higher the quality of the laptop, the faster the processor and the greater the memory. You don't have time for word processors to freeze, or errors that cause every other program to suddenly go nonresponsive. Neither do you have time to worry about whether your computer has sufficient space to download that latest lecture.
- You need the portability. Who knows where your new, busy schedule is going to take you? Sure, you can be portable with a basic laptop, but what about battery life? Do you really want to be two paragraphs from the end of your paper at the park and suddenly have to rush to find a power outlet? No.
- You need the security. Newer laptops typically come with the latest operating system and browser installations, giving them security protections with which older models simply cannot compete. While the campus network may generally be secure, remember that whole thing about being portable. You really shouldn't trust strange networks without the proper firewalls in place.
If your laptop is hacked or infected, think about all those files for school that could potentially be wiped away. Think about all of that personal information that you store on your laptop. It doesn't matter if you're 15 miles away from home or 500; the last thing you want to have to do is deal with identity theft.
- You need the status. Ok, sure it's materialistic, but let's be honest with ourselves. You have a large expense that just happens also to be an awesome toy and status symbol that you can easily justify, which is something that doesn't happen very often in life. Why wouldn't you take advantage of such an opportunity?
If money really is a concern, try shopping for refurbished models or at pawn shops. You may be able to get some really excellent deals and still have the laptop you need and want for college.
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Image credit: MC4 Army on Flickr
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