What Does Apple Have In Store For 2013?

When Apple launched the iPhone 4S in 2011, the world was disappointed. After all the hype surrounding the new release, it seemed as though little had changed compared with the previous iPhone 4 aside from the introduction of voice activation function Siri. On the surface it looked as though Apple had simply released a new model to keep fans happy and to keep things ticking over while it perfected the details of the iPhone 5, which it went on to launch in September 2012.

Lighter, slimmer, sleeker - the iPhone 5 was what everyone had been waiting for. Apple billed it as 'the biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone'. Orders went through the roof and initial demand exceeded supply, which Apple described as "extraordinary".

But now what?

After reinventing the iPhone, Apple will have to come up with something pretty special to follow in the footsteps of the iPhone 5. But what does it have in store and will 2013 see the launch of some new products?

Well, according to some commentators and experts, the answer is yes. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Apple has reduced its orders for iPhone 5 parts, including the longer retina display that sets the handset apart from previous models. However, Gotta Be Mobile noted that far from being a result of decreased demand, this could actually be because Apple has amassed enough components to last until the launch of the next iPhone in the near future.

Although earlier models of the iPhone were launched during the summer months, the manufacturer has favoured autumn as its season of choice when it comes to new iPhone releases recently. Therefore, it could be September or October at the earliest before even an announcement about the fact there's going to be an announcement is given.

However, in an article for TechRadar, blogger Ed Valdez highlighted the reasons why he thinks we can expect an announcement regarding the iPhone 6 by June 2013. For a start, the fact that Samsung is continually gaining more and more control over the mobile phone market should be enough to push Apple into coming up with a product that will allow it to lead the market, and pronto. Added to that the fact the two companies seem to be constantly suing each other over patents and getting involved in various legal disputes shows the rivalry is still as raw as ever.

Mr Valdez also noted that although the iPhone 5 boasts different dimensions, people with an iPhone 4S can get many of the same features by simply upgrading to iOS 6 for free. Therefore, Apple needs something truly different that is going to provide consumers with a real reason for parting with their cash.

All of the reports about a new iPhone are merely rumours at the moment, but there are some very strong arguments to suggest Apple will want to claw back some market share and cement its position as the world's most innovative and revolutionary smartphone manufacturer with the launch of a new product that will blow Samsung out of the water - and impress customers to boot.

This guest blog was contributed by Lesley Sampson a freelance blog writer who often covers tech topics such as how to evaluate mobile phone contracts.

Image credit: plasticpeople on Flickr


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