The Model Garage
Business Description
Products and Services offered
The Model Garage, in Berkeley CA, is an independent auto repair shop (not a dealership) that specializes in Volvo, Toyota, Lexus, Subaru and Scion cars. We have current factory diagnostic systems for all of the cars we service. Our five mechanics are conscientious professionals who will keep your car purring. We offer, customer-friendly service and repair. In business since 1981, we love dealing with the customers in our area. Quality and honesty are our strengths.
Business Hours:
M-F 7:30am-5:15pm, Sa-Su Closed
Auto Repair,Auto Air Conditioning Srvcs,Brake Service-Repair,Auto Engine Rebuilding,Auto Oil - Lube,Transmission Repair,Auto Emissions Testing,Auto Inspection
Air Conditioning, Alternator, Axles, Battery, Brakes, Check Engine, Clutches, Coolant, Cooling System, Computer Diagnostic, Diagnostics, Drive Train, Electrical, Engine, Exhaust, Fuel System, Heating And Cooling, Hoses, Inspections, Lights, Maintenance, Mechanic, Mufflers, Power Steering, Pre-purchase, Radiators, Rear End, Shocks, Steering, Struts, Suspension, Timing Belts, Tire Balancing, Transmissions, Tune Ups, Windows, 7500 Mile, 15000 Mile, 30000 Mile, 60000 Mile, 90000 Mile, 120000 Mile
Toyota, Scion, Volvo, Lexus, Prius
Spanish, English