Marvel Grading and Paving

Business Description

Products and Services offered

SERVING THE NORTH BAY We believe in building one-on-one relationships with every customer, so communication is a high priority here at Marvel Grading and Paving. Our estimator will listen to what the customer is saying before making any recommendations on the scope of work that needs to be performed. PRODUCTS/SERVICES OFFERED: Paving, Asphalt Grinding, Asphalt Resurfacing, Slurry Seals, Chip Seal, Seal Coating, Petromat, Excavating, Drainage Systems, Patchwork, Hot Rubberized Crack Fill and All Types of Repairs. Licensed, bonded and insured.

Business Hours:
M-F 8am-5pm, Sa 9am-5pm, Su Closed

Foundation Contractors,Masonry Contractors,Asphalt Paving Contractrs,Paving Contractors,Concrete Sealing Contractors,Concrete Contractors,Grading Contractors

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