Step It Up With Steph Weight Loss for Women

Business Description

Products and Services offered

Stephanie Mansour is the best weight loss coach for women. Her Dr. approved holistic approach has helped thousands of women lose weight fast and make it last. Her tried and true programs are accessible to women everywhere and include workouts, nutrition, confidence boosting exercises, and more! Stephanie Mansour, CEO of Step It Up with Steph, is on a mission to help women lose weight fast and make it last. Steph is a Weightloss & Lifestyle Coach for women, a TV Personality, and a Health & Fitness Expert. She's been featured on CNN, Dr. Oz, and over 50 television shows. She coached and trained one reality TV show client to lose 83 lbs in just 12 weeks. Her emphasis on gaining confidence in yourself and creating your own version of the perfect body and lifestyle has made her a favorite among her clients and fans. As a recovered dieter with low self-esteem, and a former overweight, anxious, and stressed out insomniac, Stephanie holistically transformed her life and started her company in 2008 to help others do the same. Steph focuses on the inner-game of losing weight quickly and easily in her coaching programs, online challenges, speaking engagements, and products. Her four pillar approach to weightloss (physical, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual) has helped thousands of women lose literally thousands of pounds. Stephanie holds her BA in Communications with an emphasis on Women's Studies & Psychology from the University of Michigan (Go Blue!), her personal training, yoga, and Pilates certifications, as well as her professional life coaching certification. Prior to starting Step It Up with Steph in 2008, she worked for Oprah's XM Radio show host Marianne Williamson, the Dr. Phil show, Lifetime TV, and WNET PBS.

Business Hours:
M-Su 9am-9pm (Available by appointment or sign up now online!)

Nutrition,Exercise - Fitness Classes - Instruction,Personal Trainers,Yoga Instruction - Therapy,Mental Health

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