Carencro Automotive Center

Business Description

Products and Services offered

At Carencro Automotive Center, we're dedicated to keeping your car on the road for as long as possible. With a focus on diagnostics and preventative maintenance, we can help identify problems in advance to save you from costly repairs and keep your vehicle healthy. And if you've already run into car trouble, our certified technicians have the knowledge and expertise to take on almost any repair, from air conditioning to transmission issues. We'll even send you an email with photos to keep you in the loop throughout the whole process. When it comes to taking care of your vehicle, we at Carencro Automotive Center are in it for the long haul.

Business Hours:
M-F 7am-4pm, Sa-Su Closed

Auto Repair,Brake Service-Repair,Auto Air Conditioning Srvcs,Auto Engine Rebuilding,Tires,Auto Tires Sales,Car Tires,Transmission Repair,Auto Oil - Lube,Auto Inspection

Air Conditioning, Alignments, Alternator, Axles, Brakes, Check Engine Light, Clutches, Computer Diagnostic, Cooling System/radiators, Drive Train, Electrical, Engines, Exhaust/mufflers, Fleet Service, Flushes, Fuel System, Inspection/diagnostics, Lights, Oil Change, Overhaul, Pre-purchase Inspection, Speedometers, Steering, Suspension, Timing Belts, Tires, Towing, Transmissions, Tune Up, Wheels

Domestic Vehicle Repair, Asian Vehicle Repair, European Vehicle Repair, Hybrid Vehicle Repair



Ase, Ati, Technet

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