Keweenaw Chevrolet GMC
Business Description
Products and Services offered
Interested in buying a new Chevrolet or GMC vehicle? On the market for a used car and need it delivered? At Keweenaw Chevrolet GMC, we offer the best deals on used cars in the Houghton, Michigan area, and we're your best source for new Chevrolet or GMC cars, trucks, and SUVs. We also pride ourselves on our excellent customer service and expertise and knowledge about the vehicles in our inventory. That's why we can't recommend enough that you visit our dealership in person. Not only does that give you the opportunity to test drive your chosen vehicle before finalizing your deal, but it also gives you direct access to our sales team, who can provide expert advice on our products and services. Contact our sales team today!
Business Hours:
M-F 8am-6pm, Sa 8am-5pm, Su Closed
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