Integrity Concrete Coating

Business Description

Products and Services offered

We're proud to be able to deliver this premium product and its results to your home or business. If your concrete floor or outdoor paved area is showing significant signs of aging, or if you simply want a new look for it that is both eye-catching and easy to maintain, you need only turn to Integrity Concrete Coatings LLC We offer concrete floor coatings that are perfect for garages, patios, pool decks, and more! Our polyurea coating is specially formulated to resist normal wear and tear!

Business Hours:
By Appointment

Decorative - Specialty Concrete,Concrete Contractors,Foundation Contractors

Showrooms Floors, Hospitals Floors, Locker Rooms Floors, Restrooms Floors, Laboratories Floors, Basements Floors, Retail Areas Floors, Garage Floors, Warehouses Floors, Laundry Rooms Floors, Patios Floors, Storage Facilities Floors, Kennels Floors

Showrooms Floors, Hospitals Floors, Locker Rooms Floors, Restrooms Floors, Laboratories Floors, Basements Floors, Retail Areas Floors, Garage Floors, Patios Floors, Storage Facilities Floors, Kennels Floors

Showrooms Floors, Locker Rooms Floors, Restrooms Floors, Laboratories Floors, Basements Floors, Warehouses Floors, Patios Floors, Storage Facilities Floors, Kennels Floors

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