Uptown Imports
Business Description
Products and Services offered
I remember 1988, Over 30 years ago ("Wow time flies when your having fun!") when the idea first hit me to open my own shop. I remember thinking how incredible it was going be having my own business. The idea seemed bigger than life itself. After all, instead of repairing cars at someone else's shop, I'd have hundreds or even thousands of cars to repair and be responsible for. Kind of scary... but what an awesome idea it turned out to be. And what an awesome job I have now! I get to help all of you maintain and improve the way your vehicles run. The way the shop helps you and your families indeed, the way it affects the quality and the essence of your lives. As I think about where the shop is today, how it got here and where it's going. I'm overcome with gratitude. I know that you cast one giant vote of confidence when you decide to place your vehicle in our hands. And each such decision helped make Uptown Imports what it is today, and what I'm so incredibly thrilled to realize, where it's going to be tomorrow! So today, thanks to you, Uptown Imports is truly a great company! I think of each of you as a partner and a friend. So... from the bottom of my heart and everyone who works with me, Thank You! Can't Wait to Hear From You! John Shanderuk, Owner of Uptown Imports
Business Hours:
M-F 8:30am-5:30pm, Sa-Su Closed
Auto Repair,Transmission Repair,Brake Service-Repair,Truck Body Dealers,Auto Air Conditioning Srvcs,Auto Engine Rebuilding,Auto Oil - Lube,Auto Engine Services,Auto Engine Repair
A/c Repair, Airbag System, Anti-lock Brakes, Alignments, Battery, Belt & Hoses, Wiper Blade Replacement, Brakes, Diagnostics, Clutch, Cooling System, Diesel, Drive Train, Electrical System, Emissions Repair, Engine Repair, Exhaust, Fuel Injection, Hybrid, Light Replacement (interior/exterior), Steering & Suspension, Window & Door Repair, Oil Change, Wheel Balance, Transmission, Starting Issues, Tdi Diesel Repair, Timing Belt, Tires, Tune-ups, Alternator, Fuel System, Warning Light/check Engine Light, Overheating, Filters
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