Rick Hendrick City Chevrolet

Business Description

Products and Services offered

Rick Hendrick City Chevrolet is your trusted local new and pre-owned Chevy dealership in Charlotte. Get behind the wheel of a new Chevy Silverado 1500, new Chevy Equinox, or new Chevy Corvette today. If you are looking for a new, pre-owned, or certified pre-owned model our experienced finance professionals can help you find the best price within your budget. If you are looking to have recommended maintenance completed on your vehicle, look no further than our service department. Our certified technicians will have you in and out promptly and back on the road. Whether you are in the market for a new vehicle, or just service, trust in Rick Hendrick City Chevrolet!

Business Hours:
M-Sa 7:30am-8pm, Su Closed

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