Hendrick BMW Northlake
Business Description
Products and Services offered
At BMW Northlake in Charlotte our goal is to get you into a new or used BMW that will meets all the needs of your lifestyle. The options of our new BMW inventory include sedans, coupes, and convertibles so that you will get the exact performance and feel that you will be looking for. The BMW 2 Series, 3 Series, 4 Series, 5 Series, X2, X3, X4, X5, or X7 are just a few of the cars that you can choose from. Our team will schedule a test drive to help you get a closer look at all the models that are here. Additionally, we maintain a diverse inventory of luxury used cars. Our Charlotte BMW dealership also offers BMW services, maintenance, and parts that you will need for the duration of the time that you own your vehicle.
Business Hours:
M-F 7:30am-7pm, Sa 7:30am-5pm, Su Closed
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Bmw, Bmw M, Bmw Motorsports, Dinan
New Bmw Sales, Used Car Sales, Bmw Service, Bmw Maintenance, Bmw Repair, Dinan, Dinan Tuning