Audi Charlotte

Business Description

Products and Services offered

What makes Audi of Charlotte your premiere Audi dealer in the Charlotte area? For starters, our promise, and our passion, is to match you with the Audi of your dreams. We work with you on your terms and at your pace. We are honored to be Charlotte's No. 1 Audi dealer, and it's a privilege to be trusted with the major decision of your next vehicle. We at Audi of Charlotte have a commitment to your values and strive to make your car-buying experience as enjoyable and straightforward as possible. We care about the fine details, and we offer some of the best warranties in the industry. We are here to WORK for our customers and we pride ourselves on hiring and maintaining the most professional staff you can find.

Business Hours:
M-F 9am-7pm, Sa 9am-6pm, Su Closed

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