Lexus of Bridgewater

Business Description

Products and Services offered

The wait is finally over! Almost 18 months after Hurricane Ida flooded the Lexus of Bridgewater showroom and surrounding areas, we are OPEN! Our brand new, state-of-the-art dealership and showroom are officially open and fully stocked with new Lexus models. Our Sales Team is no longer operating out of our temporary "Warehouse", and they are now back in our original building, fully operational and ready to serve you in our luxury space. Our new showroom's interior and exterior has been completely remodeled from the ground up. So come visit and explore our brand-new space today!"

Business Hours:
M-Th 9am-7pm, F-Sa 9am-6pm, Su Closed

Auto Dealers-New Cars,Auto Dealers-Used Cars,Auto Dealers,Auto Dealers New Cars,Used Cars,Auto Dealers Used Cars,Auto Leasing,Auto Parts,Auto Body Repair,Auto Loans

New Lexus Cars, Pre-owned Lexus Cars, Lexus Oem Parts, Pre-owned Cars, L/certified Lexus Cars, Certified Cars

Lexus New Car Sales, Lexus Lease Vehicles, Lexus Service & Parts, Pre-owned Sales, Lexus Financing, Auto Body Shop, Car Repair Shop

New Lexus Car Sales, Pre-owned Lexus Car Sales, L/certified Lexus Car Sales, Certified Lexus Service, Certified Lexus Parts, Pre-owned Car Sales


English, Russian, Spanish

National Automobile Dealers Association (nada), New Jersey Cultural Alliance For Response (njcar), Better Business Bureau (bbb)

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