Las Vegas ED Doctors
Business Description
Products and Services offered
Las Vegas ED Doctors are urologists dedicated to the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The mobile practice specializes in using focused shockwave therapy to cure the root causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men and restore their sex life. Las Vegas ED Doctors provides patients the ultimate in privacy and convenience. We feature the state-of-the-art, most technically advanced technology: the Storz Duolith focused shockwave device. Other providers, particularly non-urologists, generally utilize less potent radial shockwave machines. These may be particularly useful for mild cases or for those who require re-treatment. Since the benefits of shockwave therapy may fade with time, we give each of our patients who completes a treatment course a complimentary Uroshock acoustic wave device, designed for home-use. Shockwave therapy has been used for over a decade in Europe for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Countless studies have consistently shown the treatment to be safe, and effective. The most commonly cited statistic in urologic literature is a response rate of 62% for those treated once per week for 6 weeks, but the response rate can increase to over 80% with more treatments. (S O U R C E : J O U R N A L O F S E X U A L M E D I C I N E , V O L U M E 1 5 , I S S U E 3 , M A R C H 2 0 1 8 , P A G E S 3 3 4 - 345) Pills like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and Stendra have side effects that bother nearly half of all patients. Eventually, they don't work as well, or stop working at all. Then, patients may turn to injections of medicine into the penis, or surgery. Over 70% of sexual specialists prefer shockwave therapy as their treatment of choice. Here's why: Shockwave therapy can cure ED. Many patients don't have to take any pills, or if they do take pills, they work better than before treatment. The treatments are virtually pain-free. You can go back to work, or the gym, or give your treatment a test-drive. Large series of patients demonstrated no significant side effects. At Las Vegas ED Doctors we have tried to create the ultimate in patient convenience. Enjoy a complimentary consultation with a urologist, and ask for more details. Then, if you choose shockwave therapy, we'll come to you. You never have to sit and wait in a doctor's office!
Business Hours:
M-Su 9am-6pm
Family - General Practice Physicians - Surgeons,Urology Physicians - Surgeons
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction Specialist, Urology