Rebecca Rojas, OD

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Rebecca Rojas, OD, FAAO, is Instructor of Optometric Sciences (in Ophthalmology) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Dr. Rojas is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and specializes in complex and medically necessary contact lens fittings, anterior segment disease, co-managing cataract and refractive surgeries, and primary care. Dr. Rojas obtained her bachelor's degree in Molecular and Microbiology at the University of Central Florida and a Doctorate in Optometry from Nova Southeastern University. She subsequently completed her residency training in ocular disease from SUNY State College of Optometry. Prior to joining Columbia, Dr. Rojas worked in multiple eye centers in New York specializing in co-managing refractive and cataract surgeries with corneal specialists. She also spent several years as a clinical optometrist working abroad at the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi Eye Institute. Most recently, she was Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor at SUNY and worked at Fromer Eye Centers. In addition to her clinical responsibilities there, Dr. Rojas was involved in the optometry residency program as co-supervisor instructing and precepting fourth year optometry students and residents during their clinical rotations. Dr. Rojas has presented posters at academic meetings, delivered COPE- approved lectures and peer-reviewed articles, and also served on the clinical board of directors for the regional and world special Olympics international vision screenings.


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