Private Adoption Services, Inc.
Business Description
Products and Services offered
Private Adoption Services, Inc. is a licensed agency for the state of Ohio. Our purpose is to find good homes for babies. We work closely with expectant mothers and fathers and with potential adoptive couples and single women or men who are looking to adopt an infant. Our focus is the health of the expectant mother and the baby. We assist the mother in finding good health care and help transport her to her appointments. We are interested in what is going on in her life and try to help in any way we can to make sure she has proper housing and food and that, if she has other children that she is parenting, they are also taken care of and supported. In most cases, when a woman is pregnant and considering adoption, she has lots of other things going on in her life. Our private agency makes sure that she is protected and guided in a way that does not interfere in her privacy. Privacy is a number one factor in our adoption program. We do not show profiles of our couples or our birthmothers online for the world to see. We consider adoption to be a wonderful but private choice and treat the process and the individuals involved with the respect that they deserve. Individuals are our focus. We encourage all of our clients to design their own adoption and tell us what makes them feel comfortable. After all, it is not our adoption, but it belongs to the expectant mom and the adoption family. If they want a closed or open adoption, it is their choice. If the expectant mom wants to spend time with the baby, that is totally her choice. There are lots of opportunities for the people involved to make decisions that will help them adjust and get through the tough parts of the adoption process. As a private agency, we guide our couples that want to adopt through a very extensive home study process. We do not add arbitrary requirements to the home study. We follow the Ohio statute's guidelines. In that way, we feel that we are fair to all families interested in adoption. We also treat our expectant moms fairly, by not being judgmental. We understand that addiction or depression gamy be a part of a pregnant woman's life, and we accept and assist her in dealing with all aspects of her life at the time she is pregnant. There is much out there in the world of adoption and adoption services. What makes of agency different is that we provide a more intimate, private, supportive, environment for all of our clients and work hard to make sure the adoption experience is a positive one and that everyone involved can feel peace when they look back on the adoption and know that it was completed in a way that helped everyone involved. If you would like to know more about our services, please call us at (513) 871-5777. We offer free services to all expectant moms and dads and we also offer free consultations with prospective adoptive parents. Our interest is in helping you in any way we can.
Business Hours:
M-Su 6am-8pm (On-Call 24 Hours - By appointments)
Adoption Services,Adoption Attorneys
Private Adoption, Out Of State Adoption, Birthmother Profiles