Center for Lice Control
Business Description
Products and Services offered
The Center for Lice Control (CLC) provides lice control and treatment solutions including in-home treatment, in-school treatment, and KaPOW! products (available at local pharmacies). CLC has also created comprehensive screening, treatment, and education plans. Center For Lice ControlTM founder Ilene "The Lice Queen" Steinberg and KaPOW! have successfully treated over 20,000 head lice cases in PA, NJ and MD areas. In 2007, Ilene invented the KaPOW! line of lice treatment products because every traditional lice product failed. KaPOW! products treat physically, not chemically, so they work every time - even on "super-lice." KaPOW! products are 100% safe, non-toxic, and we always back our product. Guaranteed. You can find them at your local independent pharmacy or call and one of our lice technicians will treat your family in the comfort of your own home.
Business Hours:
M-Su 6am-midnight (Available 24/7 - just call us!)
Health - Medicine,Hair Care Products,Pest Control,Beauty Salons,Pediatrics