The Delaware County Child Care Information Services (CCIS)
Business Description
Products and Services offered
The Delaware County Child Care Information Services (CCIS) provides child care subsidies to eligible families. The Federal and State funding for this program is provided through a contract with the Department of Public Welfare. The CCIS serves children from birth to 13 years of age whose parents are employed and meet the eligibility guidelines set forth by the Commonwealth. Teen parents who are enrolled full-time in high school are encouraged to apply for childcare services. Parent/Caretakers who apply may be placed on a waitlist based on the availability of funds. Fees are based on family size and income. This is a parent choice system. Parents may choose any licensed, regulated or relative/neighbor who signs an agreement for funding through this agency and complies with State laws and regulations. The CCIS may not make recommendations regarding selection of a child care provider. CCIS resource and referral staff are able to offer parents and caregivers a variety of resource information to local agencies, government programs, services and child care providers. A quality early learning program?in child care, Head Start, or preschool? will help prepare your child for success in school and in life. Here are things to look for: - Is this person or program a safe place for children? - Do they meet the necessary regulations? - Have there been any complaints against them? - Pennsylvania?s Department of Public Welfare (DPW) regulates child care programs (family child care homes, group child care homes and child care centers) to make sure they meet minimum health and safety standards. - Programs are required to post their certificate of registration or compliance, so if you don?t see it, ask about it. - Does the child care or Head Start program participate in Keystone STARS? Programs in Keystone STARS earn a STAR 1?STAR 4 rating by meeting quality standards. Count the Stars - the more STARS, the higher the quality. - Do teachers have training in early child...
Government Offices,Child Care Services