RMJ Auto Restoration LLC

Business Description

Products and Services offered

We build the classic you want. From stock to highly modified we can and will do what you want. Street rods to stock and anywhere in-between we build. Fabrication is a common job at hand at our shop and custom paint and interior is what we provide. AACA is what we have done for over 50 years. We are all ASE certified. With over 220 years of combined workers in out business. We are family owned. Everyone in our shop is car guys at heart and you can see us on a Friday night at the race track or a Saturday morning at a cars and coffee to a big car show at our vendors stand. We love the life we live and treasure the friendships we make threw the customers we meet.

Business Hours:
M-Sa 8am-5pm, Su Closed

Auto Restoration,Auto Repair

Custom Fabrication, Auto Restoration, Collision Repair, Mechanical, Street Rod, Performance

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