Andy Lowe -Realty ONE Group Home Team

Business Description

Products and Services offered

Need a realtor in Johnson City, TN? Look no further than Andy Lowe! Andy is a realtor with passion and purpose. With an understanding of the unique needs and goals of each individual client, he helps them find their real estate dreams and also provides real estate guidance for buyers who are looking to own their first home. His commitment to core values and excellence sets him apart from other realtors in the East Tennessee area. An East Tennessee State Graduate, widower, father of two children and owner of a Golden Doodle, Andy puts his heart into every real estate transaction that comes his way. With Andy as your realtor, you will get not just a realtor but also a friend who understands your individual needs in order to help you achieve peace of mind when it comes to buying or selling your home.

Business Hours:
M-Sa 24hr, Su 1pm-6pm

Real Estate Agents

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