Gunn Buick GMC

Business Description

Products and Services offered

Here at Gunn Buick GMC, a regional San Antonio dealership, we make things simple. We offer a no haggle atmosphere and absolutely no pressure when you browse our vehicles. Our commitment to you is to help you find new or used cars at Gunn Buick GMC that fit your needs rather than ours. In order to make sure that your needs are met, we do not pay our salespeople a commission. This ensures that all guests receive exceedingly friendly customer service. Gunn Buick GMC found that what our customers really want is a fair price up front, and the comfort of knowing that they are not paying more for a vehicle than anyone else would. Therefore, every vehicle in our inventory has a price clearly posted on it which is based on the vehicle's market valu

Business Hours:
M-F 9am-8pm, Sa 9am-7pm, Su Closed

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Car Finance And Loan, Car Leasing, Truck Dealer, Used Truck Dealer, Used Car Dealer

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