Tactical Recovery
Business Description
Products and Services offered
The Tactical Recovery program is based on the understanding that America's Veterans, active military personnel, first responders, and their family members are the backbone of our country. We also know that these roles can have long-lasting, negative effects on the people who have served us all. Depression, suicide, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addiction rates have climbed in recent years for this population. While substance use and mental health treatment options may be available through standard providers, many individuals are reluctant to seek help because they don't think medical professionals will understand their unique experiences and needs. The Tactical Recovery program was created because very few addiction and mental health centers are genuinely qualified in understanding and treating Veterans. Far too often, Veterans do not receive the level of treatment they deserve from people who understand the full impact of their service. Partnering with PsychArmor, a national nonprofit educational organization, the Tactical Recovery program provides a culturally-competent and trauma-informed environment for recovery and healing. We tailor care for each individual using evidence-based practices and holistic healing methods. Once a client graduates from Tactical Recovery, our alumni programs will connect them with ongoing, appropriate resources in their hometown that will continue to support their needs for a lifetime.
Business Hours:
M-Su 24hr
Drug Treatment Centers,Drug Abuse & Addiction Information & Treatment,Drug Abuse & Addiction Information & Treatment