Roto-Rooter Drain & Sewer Service

Business Description

Products and Services offered

The Original Roto Rooter. Trusted Since 1935. Serving SW Virginia Since 1960. Complete Sewer & Drain Cleaning Service. No unnecessary digging. Service for Residential, Commercial & Industrial. Plumbing Services, Kitchen, Bath, Laundry, Basement, Stairwells, Senior Citizen Discounts, Professional, Trained Technicians.

Business Hours:
M-Su 24hr

Sewer - Drain Cleaning, Service, - Repair,Land Drainage Contractors,Drain Services,Plumbing Equipment, Parts, - Supplies,Plumbing Equipment

Video Inspections, Electric Snake Service, Trenchless Repair, Hydro Jet Scouring, Estimates, Senior Discounts, Storm Drain & Catch Basin Cleaning, Electronic Leak Detection, Inspections, Repairs

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