Gordie Boucher Nissan of Greenfield

Business Description

Products and Services offered

At Gordie Boucher Nissan of Greenfield, our goal is to exceed your expectations at all times. We have an incredible selection of new and used vehicles you're sure to love. Once you drive your new vehicle off the lot, you want to make sure that you get as much good use of out of it as possible. That's where our car service and repair center comes in. If you buy or lease a vehicle from us, you're getting quality maintenance with certified Nissan parts that are also available for purchase. Basically, you'll know your vehicle is in good hands, from beginning to end. We're are always happy to chat about new vehicles and answer any questions you might have.

Business Hours:
M-F 9am-8pm, Sa 9am-5pm, Su Closed

Auto Dealers-New Cars,Auto Dealers-Used Cars,Auto Dealers,Auto Dealers New Cars,Used Cars,Auto Dealers Used Cars,Trucks For Sale,Used Trucks,Auto Leasing,Auto Loans

Cars, Trucks, Suvs, Vehicle Parts And Accessories, Used Cars, Used Trucks, Used Suvs

Oil Change, Tire Rotation, Brakes, Transmission Flush, Air Conditioner Repair, Balance Tires, Engine Tune-up, Coolant Flush, Front-end Alignment, Muffler Replacement


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