Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin

Business Description

Products and Services offered

We are stronger together! Based in Milwaukee, Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin (formerly BloodCenter of Wisconsin) combines the strength of blood centers in Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio with state-of-the-art diagnostic laboratories, physician services, and a world-renowned Blood Research Institute. Your blood will always stay local first, but now we will have even more access to rare and unique blood types to help meet the needs of Wisconsin hospital patients in need. Together, with you, we promise to continue our mission: we are a beacon of hope.

Business Hours:
M 8am-9:15am, Tu-Su Closed

Blood Banks,Charitable - Nonprofit Organizations

Blood Donation, Platelet Donation, Plasma Donation

Versiti, Versiti Blood Center Of Illinois, Versiti Blood Center Of Indiana, Versiti Blood Center Of Michigan, Versiti Blood Center Of Ohio

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